Alma9 not booting with LSI 3108 Megaraid Chip

Hi Team,

based on officially RHEL Site 3108 Chips should work.

But when using the Alma9 Minimal Iso > (equal UEFI or Bios), Boot works and can Install. When rebooting > cannot load into OS, because loader not finding the Disks.

Alma8 works fine with UEFI + Bios Mode.

Feels like missing Megaraid Drivers in the Loader. Bit strange the Installer works (Iso UI),… but not booting into.

Hoping ISO’s can be updated, so it can boot without Problems


I’ve run Alma 9 on 3108 chips so I can confirm it does indeed work, and the drivers are there.

Any other errors besides the disks just not appearing to exist?

Could you please try installing from DVD instead of Minimal?
Minimal ISO is too minimal at the moment and doesn’t include kernel-modules-extras package that probably contains the necessary driver.
We’re going to add this package to Minimal ISO for both 8.7 and 9.1 releases but at the moment DVD or network install are only possible options.
Sorry for inconvenience.

We could alternatively try the DUD inst.dd method at boot time to slipstream this driver into the kernel, right?

yes, it’s worth a shot.

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Hi everyone,

thx for replies. :wink:

so far i tested windows 2022, alma8 and all worked with uefi.

Alma9 i tested with minimum iso (because space wise this is handy).

Sure will test DVD Version tomorrow and will update you ;).

i was able to quick test it now.

i can confirm:

9.0 minimal = could not boot
9.0 dvd (and choose minimal) = can boot

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