Issues changing from oracle

Hi there
I changed months ago from CentOs to Oracle and now to Almalinux

The only issue was:

Modular dependency problem:
Problem: module llvm-toolset:rhel8:8030020201105085546:30b713e6-0.x86_64 conflicts with module(llvm-toolset:ol8) provided by llvm-toolset:ol8:8030020200820174250:9edba152-0.x86_64

  • module llvm-toolset:ol8:8030020200820174250:9edba152-0.x86_64 conflicts with module(llvm-toolset:rhel8) provided by llvm-toolset:rhel8:8030020201105085546:30b713e6-0.x86_64 - module rust-toolset:rhel8:8030020210312050514:bed47151-0.x86_64 requires module(llvm-toolset:rhel8), but none of the providers can be installed - conflicting requests D ependencies resolved. Nothing to do.

Any idea how to clean this?
Thanks arnjan

dnf module reset llvm-toolset:rhel8
dnf module install llvm-toolset:rhel8

was the solution.

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