Subscription-manager not installing certificates

It should be quite common for remote access as GNOME is the default desktop. But I’m recommending XFCE to my users as it is more light-weight.

True. I tend to forget, because I shun all remote desktops. A hermit in shell

@MartinR You had GNOME session in VM? That counts as remote. Kind of.
Does the VM run at I.e. it has display manager (gdm, sddm, lightdm) other than vnc?

$ systemctl get-default

I’ve created the VM (not sure whether via vmmanager or cockpit. It runs automatically on host startup and I usually access via ssh. However to get a graphical display I use:
cockpit > Virtual machines > [host] > Launch remote viewer then click on the download. In the new window View > displays > display 1 followed by View > full screen.

$ pgrep -a gdm
1089 /usr/sbin/gdm
2413 gdm-session-worker [pam/gdm-password]
2447 /usr/libexec/gdm-wayland-session env GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE=classic gnome-session
$ pgrep -a sddm
$ pgrep -a lightdm