Almalinux 9 lxc image not working in proxmox

I am not sure if this place to put this since it is a sig related issue. I have recently tried installing the lxc image for almalinux 9 from the link below using both the default and cloud images inside of proxmox and I am not able to access the console without using pct enter. Once I have a shell in the container the network interfaces are always down weather I am using DHCP or they are static and running ip link set up does not work either.

I’ll try it out, as I was looking for the 9 lxc image for a few days. Interestingly, IPv6 seems to work fine out of the box. Rather, I should specify that the link-local address works fine to other hosts.

I’m still new so not sure if I’m helping or doing useful things, but setting console mode to /dev/console seems to boot fine, though I had to press enter to get a timezone prompt, and enter again to skip for the container to boot.

‣ Please enter timezone name or number (empty to skip, "list" to list options): 
No data entered, skipping.
[  OK  ] Finished First Boot Wizard.

setting the console to /dev/console and setting a time zone resolved the issue for me on alma9

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