
Congratulations to stable AlmaLinux release!


Indeed congrats AlmaLinux on first stable release!

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Congratulations to the AlmaLinux team on their first stable release!


I just joined the community as I am switching over from CentOS, becoming an early adopter within my own circles.

It’s neat that I get to be here just days after the first stable release.

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I just moved my web/email server from Centos 8 (Stream!!! - that was an accident!).
Built the replacement on a spare 1TB SSD, installed all the packages and config, tested as much as I could, and it all went without any problems.

Swapped the SSDs on the server this morning, restored data from last night’s backups, opened the firewall, and it seems to be working perfectly.

Thanks for this. It was much easier than the alternative (Open SuSe).


Hello Philip,

I just joined the Almalinux community, I have already downloaded the isos, and will be giving them a go. It’s really good to hear of your success using it~!

Congrats! Now we will wait for open-source hosting panels.