Installation of oracle 19c on almalinux 8.8

I have Almalinux 8.8 and I want install on this server oracle 19c, but I see error about runlevel and installation failed
when I run this command systemctl get-default, I see this

but installation of oracle 19c failed
base on oracle documentation 19c run level is multi-user-target

that may be the default, but is that what you’re running when installing?

i have 19c running on almalinux 8.8 so i know it works

what instructions are you using though as i don’t recall anything about runlevel

it might be a stupid way of saying that you have to be running Xorg - as i recall 19c still required a graphical installer

why run 19c though, current is 23c and looks a lot easier to install - although they haven’t updated for systemd yet lol!

after search around and read many logs, it seems installer in silent mode does not have permission on /bin/systemctl, after change to 755, I get error again and I install it with this option

./runInstaller -silent  -ignorePrereq -responseFile  /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3/dbhome_1/install/response/db_install.rsp

and it seems work without problem, I can get export and import from another server and I can get query.
How odd!!!