Is Alma providing any platform for checking CVEs


Is there any Alma site where I can see the CVE details similar to what red hat has. I saw the errata link. So if there is any CVE tracking in tabular format or json format from Alma

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its all in the wiki - cve tables, oval, json, osv, sbom…

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I can see the errata table but what I was searching for is CVEs that are affected or not affected or Under investigation or Out of support scope. These kind of classification.
Basically status of the CVEs

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How alma is tracking CVEs that are affecting. Is alma following CVE status provided by red hat. Suppose if red hat says for some CVEs are not affected. Is this not affected in alma also? Similarly, for affected or will not fix state or out of support scope. Are the states of the CVEs being same in Alma also?
Please reply on priority as we curious about these things after red hats source code restriction.

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