WHM/cPanel Web server migration from AlmaLinux 8 to 9


I 've followed the ELevate upgrade procedure using the Leapp tool*, in order to upgrade a WHM/cPanel webserver from AlmaLinux 8 to 9, but all WHM/cPanel platform’s packages were removed after the initramfs was created and the system was rebooted.

How can I exactly indicate to leave the packages that WHM/cPanel installation performed intact?

The following procedure states the steps followed:

Official AlmaLinux 8 to 9 Migration Procedure:

yum install -y …-el$(rpm --eval %rhel).noarch.rpm
yum install -y leapp-upgrade leapp-data-almalinux
leapp preupgrade
leapp upgrade

Workarounds implemented for a successful “preupgrade” process:

Stage 1: (Need to re-enable after upgrade is completed)
dnf config-manager --disable cpanel-addons-production-feed
dnf config-manager --disable cpanel-plugins
dnf config-manager --disable imunify360
dnf config-manager --disable imunify360-rollout-1
dnf config-manager --disable imunify360-rollout-2
dnf config-manager --disable imunify360-rollout-3
dnf config-manager --disable imunify360-rollout-4
dnf config-manager --disable imunify360-rollout-5
dnf config-manager --disable imunify360-rollout-6
dnf config-manager --disable imunify360-rollout-7
dnf config-manager --disable imunify360-rollout-8
dnf config-manager --disable wp-toolkit-cpanel
dnf config-manager --disable wp-toolkit-thirdparties
dnf config-manager --disable EA4-c8
dnf config-manager --disable MariaDB105

Stage 2: (Need to revert after upgrade is completed)
update-crypto-policies --show
update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY
reboot now

Stage 3: (Need to include in the “exclude” list of dnf.conf) after the upgrade
“filesystem” was excluded in dnf
vi /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

Original “exclude” line:
exclude=bind-chroot dovecot* exim* p0f php* proftpd* pure-ftpd*

There is an officially supported project for migrating a WHM/cPanel from CentOS 7.9 to AlmaLinux/Rocky 8** but no information was found for the solution under study.

Web sources:
*ELevate Quickstart Guide | AlmaLinux Wiki
**cPanel elevate documentation

Thank you,

Petros Louca
University of Cyprus