Doubts with PostgreSQL and Payara 5 in Alma Linux

I have 3 vps with Centos 7 and I am going to purchase 1 more but next year Centos 7 stops receiving updates. Can I choose the new VPS with Alma Linux 8 or 9? What I have installed on those VPS is:

  • PostgreSQL version 12
  • Payara 5
  • Is there no problem with any version of Alma Linux?
  • Do these PostgreSQL and Payara 5 products run well?
  • Is there an easy and transparent way to migrate the VPS I have to Centos 7 without the installations I have on them stopping working?

AlmaLinux 8 currently provides PostgreSQL versions 9.6, 10, 12, 13, and 15, with 10 being the default.
AlmaLinux 9 currently provides PostgreSQL versions 13 and 15, with 13 being the default.
The lifecycle, i.e. support period, of Application Streams is not “to end”, not even on RHEL. See Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle - Red Hat Customer Portal

Payara I don’t know.

Personally, I’d rather do new install and migrate data to it. PostgreSQL probably has documentation on how to migrate database to new engine version. Point is: while the el7, el8, and el9 are similar, the system configuration is not identical and translation of – particularly “custom bits” – may not succeed automatically and can carry “legacy burden”.