How to change DE for RDP Connection?

Hi all,

is there a way to change the desktop environment for RDP connection on AlmaLinux 9.1/9.2?
(from the standard GNOME AlmaLinux DE to, e.g., XFCE)

Thanks in advance for any help!

I am not an almalinux group specialist, but a RDP like service is not very difficult.
You could use XRDP for it. It is in the epel release repository.
RDP is not very linux like maybe, but it is very handy and practical. You can log in from almost all guest platforms. For guest sessions on linux you can use Remmina. It is not a purist thing…,but it works.

To make it easy, I found a manual for it online. As far as i remember I did about the same.
Originally this one is a manual for centos8, but it will work quite well on almalinux.
Be careful with the firewalld part. Only allow LAN and what you need.

Skip " Installing Desktop Environment" start by " Installing Xrdp"
(1th line: sudo dnf install epel-release)

Thank you for your reply.

Installing XRDP works just fine, however, I want to change the desktop environment for remote access. I did not find a solution which worked for me. I want to change from the standard AlmaLinux (GNOME) environment to XFCE.

What about this??: (Since i don’t need xfce I didn’t test it, but it looks reliable:)

Test this for yourself, wait with step3 in below procedure, till you tested the new desktop manually…

$ sudo dnf install epel-release

In our case, EPEL is already installed, hence, no further action is required.

Once you have installed EPEL, you can confirm its presence by executing the rpm command:

$ rpm -qi epel-release

(shows package availability)

Next, enable the EPEL group as follows.

$ sudo dnf --enablerepo=epel group

Step 2: Install XFCE

With EPEL installed, the next course of action is to install the XFCE package. You can confirm that the XFCE package is a package group that is provided by the EPEL repository as shown.

$ sudo dnf group list | grep -i xfce

From the output, we can deduce that the XFCE package is available. Therefore, to install the XFCE package, run the following command:

$ sudo dnf groupinstall "Xfce" "base-x"

The command installs all the XFCE group and module packages and other dependencies on your system.

Step 3: Set XFCE to Start Automatically

If you are running a minimal installation, configure the XFCE desktop environment to start automatically on boot time.

$ sudo echo "exec /usr/bin/xfce4-session" >>  ~/.xinitrc

$ sudo systemctl set-default graphical

Then finally, reboot the system.

$ sudo reboot

ps. As far as I know, XRDP will show the active desktop. Correct me if I am wrong.