Migrating from CentOS to Almalinux


I’m trying to upgrade from CentOS 7 to Almalinux 8. I completed the

leapp upgrade

and after reboot I see this

I was able to figure out the DMAR error by adding a kernel boot parameter. But even with this the boot ends at the same place.

Any ideas on what is happening or how to get the upgrade booting correctly?


What’s the hardware?

It’s HP Proliant Gen8. I tried both kernel options

nox2apic intermap=off

but both end with the

fuse: init

As a side test I would take an install image of Alma 8 and see whether that boots as expected. If it does, then issue is in migrated config.

Thanks for the suggestion. Tried Alma 8.9 boot CD and it booted fine. I couldn’t see any specific kernel boot options there - so I’m guessing it’s not a kernel issue.
I was hoping to go the upgrade route but seems I need a clean install after all.
