Upgrading 8 to 9 error

I’m doing some testing on a VM machine, upgrading from Centos 7 minimal to Almalinux 9
I’m following the instructions from this site:
How to Upgrade from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 9 (tuxcare.com)

I can upgrade from Centos 7 to Almalinux 8.8 without much problem, but when i try to go from 8 to 9 i get a lot of errors.
Can someone have a look at these and provide any kind of work arounds or solutions please?

Thank you,

First, bitmap images (screenshots) are not convenient to comment on. There are usually some copy’n’paste solutions for text.

Repo definition file /etc/yum.repos.d/elevate-testing.repo seems corrupt. Should one still use “testing”? I thought that el8toel9 is already ready, i.e. loading “elevate-testing” ought to be outdated.

You have some el7toel8 packages installed. Perhaps you should remove them before you go to the next step?

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